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Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Tahun 2022

 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Tahun 2022

Berikut ini contoh soal Penilaian Akhir Semester PAS Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Kelas 10 SMA Tahun 2022 dan kunci jawaban.

Contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA ini dapat menjadi referensi belajar peserta didik dalam menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Semester PAS Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023.

Contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA tahun 2022 yang dibagikan ini berisi materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA semester 1 Kurikulum 2013.

Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) menjadi salah satu penilaian pendidikan sebagai proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan informasi untuk menentukan pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik selama satu semester.

Penilaian merupakan salah satu bentuk evaluasi belajar  yang wajib dikerjakan oleh peserta didik. Sesuai  Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan dijelaskan bahwa penilaian pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah terdiri atas tiga bentuk, yaitu : (1) Penilaian hasil belajar oleh pendidik; (2) Penilaian hasil belajar oleh satuan pendidikan; dan (3) Penilaian hasil belajar oleh Pemerintah.

Setiap satuan pendidikan, selain wajib melakukan perencanaan dan proses pembelajaran, juga perlu melakukan penilaian hasil pembelajaran sebagai upaya terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan efisien. Salah satu bentuk penilaian hasil belajar tersebut adalah Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS).

REKOMDASI KAMI "Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAS Kelas 10 SMA Tahun 2022 dan Kunci Jawaban"

Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Tahun 2022 dan Kunci Jawaban

Contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA yang dibagikan ini berbentuk pilihan ganda dengan lima alternatif jawaban dengan dilengkapi kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan peserta didik mempelajarinya.


Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat pada salah satu alternatif jawaban A, B, C, D, atau E!

Soal nomor 1

What does the text tell about?

A. Bali

B. Amed village

C. Kuta

D. Beautiful village

E. The writer’s trip

Soal nomor 2

What makes Amed different from other places in Bali?

A. Amedis a place for scuba diving

B. It needs a lot of energy to get there

C. Amed is a calm and peaceful place

D. Amed has many star rated hotels

E. Amed has beautiful beach

Soal nomor 3

Where can people enjoy beautiful scenery in Amed?

A. From the top of the hill

B. From the top of the factory

C. From the beach of the village

D. From the roads of the village

E. from the near village

Soal nomor 4

“…. Because it is an exhausting” (paragraph 1)

The word ‘exhausting’ has similar meaning to ….

A. tiring

B. exciting

C. confusing

D. challenging

E. boring

Soal nomor 5

Why does the writer’s village still clean and unpolluted because ….

A. there is factory

B. there is industry

C. there are no factories and industries

D. there is no transportation

E. there are no visitors

Baca :

Soal nomor 6

Namira : Hi, Bima. You look so happy.

Bima  : Yeah, I won the Poster contest and got a new laptop.

Namira : Really? Congratulations on your luck!

Bima : Thanks, Namira. Let’s go to the café. I will treat you.

Why does Namira congratulate Bima?

A. Bima found a laptop

B. Bima won the contest

C. Bima has a new café

D. Bima will buy food to Namira

E. Bima passed the examination

Soal nomor 7

Shila : Ratu, congratulations for being the first winner of the school speech contest! You really did it well

Ratu : Thanks, Shila.

Shila : Let’s go to our class and celebrate it together with the whole class.

Based on the dialogue, what is the relationship between Shila and Ratu?

A. They are siblings

B. They are schoolmates

C. They are classmates

D. They are teacher and students

E. They are partner

Soal nomor 8

Saskia : I heard you won the first prize for your short story. Is it true, Dir?

Dira : Yes, Kia. I am so happy.

Saskia : ….

What is the best response to say next?

A. Thank you a million

B. I hope you will enjoy it

C. I like how you study

D. Congratulations, Dira

E. It doesn’t matter

Dear Ella,


I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest as a class representative. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you. We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer some day.


Soal nomor 9

From the card, we know that ,,,,

A. Ella is a popular singer

B. Vano won the singer contest

C. Ella has practiced singer hard

D. Vano has a dream to be a singer

E. Ella congratulateVano as winner

Text 2 is for number 10 to 14

Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Willis mountains and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the center of the town there is a large hill which is called the Dathok Mountain. Because of the topography of the region, Kediri is called a chilly town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the center of the town. Beside the temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind of tofu or bean curd.

This highly nutritious food is delicacy of Kediri and has a distinctive taste. The cigarettes factory dominates the town economy and employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarettes factory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.

Soal nomor 10

What does the text tell about?

A. The history of Kediri

B. The famous products of Kediri

C. The description of Kediri

D. The people

E. 3 million people


Contoh soal PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 SMA dan kunci jawabannnya secara lengkap dapat di unduh pada tautan di bawah ini.

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris 10 SMA – Unduh

Kunci Jawaban – Unduh

Baca : Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Indonesia  Kelas 10 SMA 2022 dan Kunci Jawaban

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